Thursday, April 5, 2007

Thailand blocks access to YouTube

awmuf... 'gajumifU 'DaeUreuf &Hk;rSm youtube zGifUvdkUYr&wm/ bmjuD;ay:vmygvdrfUvdkU/ zdk&rfxJ rSm rsdK;ausmfxGef; a&;xm;wmawGUrS odvdkuf&w,f/ &Hk;u xkdif;wpfcsdKUawmif rodjuao; bl;/ olwdkUudkvJ tJ'DvifUudk ydkUay;vdkufw,f/ olwdkUvJ wtHUwjoeJU/
The Thai government has banned access to the YouTube video-uploading website after it broadcast material critical of the country's king. tjynfUtpHkodcsif&if 'DrSm /

1 comment:

madyjune said...

So now Thailand is becoming a bit like Myanmar also. This must be the second time they banned YouTube. I think they also banned YouTube for one day in March.